Last Updated on November 24, 2012 by Steve Hogg
Mark Dwyre recently completed training with Steve, and he is now certified to use Steve’s methods as a bike fitter. Here is his account.
On October 26, 2012, I arrived in Sydney, Australia, home to Steve and Margaret Hogg’s Pedal Pushers bike shop. This momentous occasion marked the culmination of over 10 years of experimenting and training with different bike fitting methods, searching to provide the best results for me and my clients at TI Cycle. It also marked the beginning of three weeks of mind-blowing and intensive instruction in improving the response of proprioceptive pathways, providing accurate foot positioning, communicating results to the client, figuring out how to travel on the “wrong” side of the road, how to order a coffee with milk Aussie style (ask for a “flat white”), and eating exotic fare such as kangaroo.

Steve has developed a unique and innovative approach to bike fitting. I was initially attracted to Steve’s methods while searching for solutions to my own fit problems that did not resolve themselves using more conventional and “formulaic” methods. Over the past couple of seasons communicating with Steve through his informative and exhaustive blog, I was convinced that the fitting techniques Steve had developed through many years of research and customer feedback presented the most comprehensive format for achieving a safe, comfortable, and efficient relationship between the rider and their bike. I also like that Steve’s approach does not promise to fix every issue but instead, involves the rider in becoming aware of functional limitations and opportunities for their own work on enhancing their strength, flexibility, and overall fitness.
By the end of the three weeks my brain was bursting with all the new information, sights, and sounds of this experience. From the 24+ hrs of travel time from my home in southeastern Ontario to Sydney, to cycling the rolling hills of coastal New South Wales,to trying to absorb a modicum of the encyclopedic information pouring from Steve’s brain (how many people do you know that are as well versed in the history of India Pale Ale as they are in the finer points of anatomy and physiology and bike mechanics?),

I had already absorbed about twice as much as I’d thought humanly possible. However, due to Steve’s encouraging guidance and participatory teaching style, Margaret’s generous hospitality, and the warm welcome from Mike, Marko, Geoff, and the McCarrs Creek Cycle Club, the experience marks a life highlight for me.

I am excited to be home and applying my new-found knowledge at my own store and look forward to ongoing communication with Steve and the others who have trained with him as we continue to develop and apply these unique and holistic techniques. I’d like to end with a heartfelt thank-you to my staff at TI Cycle: Tim, Jim, Phoebe, and Taylar for their encouragement and for doing such a stellar job while holding down the fort in my absence. This experience would not have been nearly as stress-free and enjoyable had it not been for your hard work and dedication.

Mark Dwyre (and dedicated ghost-writer, Jacquie Bastick)
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Congrats on your epic journey down under Mark. Steve is quite the lightning rod. Thankfully, Margaret and Geoff are there to help the trainees decipher some of the more intense ”bolts.”