Thank you for your interest in a fitting from SHBF HQ. Below are some things you should know if you are considering a fitting, or if you have already made an appointment.
To schedule a fit session with Steve, please click here or E-mail us at info AT stevehoggbikefitting DOT com.
All fittings are performed in Canberra at Pushys Plus, 79 Collie St Fyshwick.
Fit Options
Other Details
Shoes: Setting up a second or third pair of shoes is fine if it can be done within the constraints of the booking time. Often this is the case, sometimes not. If not, additional pairs of shoes are charged at a flat rate of $50 per pair plus parts (if necessary).
Bikes: If you are looking to be fitted to multiple bikes in the same day, no problem, providing I know in advance so that I can allocate enough time. Second, third, and ? bikes are charged at our standard hourly rate.
Due at the time the fitting session is completed. Cash, PayPal, direct debit or credit cards are acceptable forms of payment. We prefer cash or direct debit because we take a hit on other payment methods.
If you are not satisfied with the results of your fitting and I am unable to resolve your on bike issues with a subsequent follow up, I will refund your money. You are paying for a result, not an attempt. Bike fitting is expensive and I hear many stories of riders who have a “professional” fitting and then change their position back to the way it was within a couple of weeks without complaint. The general standard of the bike fitting industry is low and I find this unacceptable. I work to achieve a much higher level of customer satisfaction than that.
Mechanical Services:
We have a comprehensively equipped work shop so any cutting of fork steerer tubes, seat masts, modifications to shoes, etc. is no problem.
Off The Bike vs On The Bike:
Even with the best bike position in the world it takes a certain minimum level of physical functionto ride a bike effectively. I do not expect to see ‘perfect’ clients; they don’t exist. If I think that your issues are too severe to be dealt with by changing your position on the bike alone, I will tell you at the earliest possible moment and refer you to others with the expertise to allow you to achieve the functionality necessary to ride effectively.
Many of you will find that I can work around pre-existing functional issues quite effectively. Even so, you may still need further help elsewhere. I have developed a network of quality health care professionals in every mainland capital that can help you if necessary. Have confidence that I’m not trying to dodge a bullet here; my intent is work with integrity to aid in you becoming faster and more comfortable on your bike. This requires a holistic approach.
Post Fit Adaptation:
No matter how good or bad your current position,you are used to it. Constantly repeating an action like cycling embeds a Motor Pattern (muscle firing sequence appropriate to the task) in your Central Nervous System (brain and spine). This is not going to change just because I optimise your position. It takes time for your nervous system to learn a new way of doing things, typically three weeks of regular (four or more times weekly) riding. The quickest way to adapt is to ride at low to low moderate intensity. At heart rates above 70 to 75 percent of maximum, we unconsciously attempt to fall back into Motor Patterns that we are used to…….which won’t work very well because your physical relationship to the bike has changed. Be sensible, avoid steep hills, avoid fast bunches and smell the roses for three weeks post fitting. After that, resume normal activity.
If your competitive season will be impacted on by following the three week easy trainng period post fitting, please talk to me about this before confirming your booking.
Please Bring With You:
- Cycling knicks and top
- Cycling shoes with any footbeds or orthotics if you have them
- Sunglasses or prescription glasses that you ride with
- The tool kit that you ride with
- Any bike lights that you ride with
- Cycling helmets
- Any wallet you carry in your jersey while riding
- The phone that you carry while riding.
- Ladies need to wear a crop top or athletic bra because I need to be able to see as much of your spine as possible.
- Runners and triathletes need to bring their running shoes and any orthotics or footbeds that they use while running.
- Triathletes need to bring their swimming goggles
Food and Drink:
The length of a fitting session means that it is a good idea to bring a healthy snack with you. There is a decent café in our building if more than a snack is required. The café is open between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Wear and Tear:
- Ensure that your bike is reasonably clean. A dirty bike is not pleasant to work on
- If your cleats or shoes are worn beyond the point where it impacts on performance, I will insist on replacing them.
- If repositioning of brake levers or adjustment of handlebar angle is necessary and your bar tape takes a beating in the process, you may need new bar tape.
- I will make every effort to ensure your bike is ready to ride when you leave, however if we make changes to stems, bars, saddles and posts, it is possible some parts may require additional tightening after the fit. Please know it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure your bike is safe to ride before you ride it.
Thank you for your interest. I look forward to working with you soon.