- DOB: June 12, 1972 in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
- Race wins as of Jan 2013: 140ish
- Disciplines: road, mountain, cross, track
- Hometown: Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
- Current residence: Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
- Began racing: 1988
- Pro since: 1996
- Mass: 62.5kg
- Height: 172cm
Cycling Résumé
- 100 percent clean my entire career. tested over 100 times, out of competition testing program for 6 years.
- 2004 Olympian, 40km points race
- 2003 Pan Am Games bronze medalist
- 2007 Continental Champion, madison
- 14-time national track champion
- U.S.A. hour record holder: 50.191km Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.SA. 1995
- U.S.A. hour 40-44 record holder: 49.806km Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.SA. 2013
- U.S.A. hour 40-44 absolute record holder (Merckx style): 46.452 Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.SA. 2013
- 8-time U.S.A. Worlds team member
- 11-time track world cup medalist
- U.S.A. National Track Team coach, Nov. 2005-May 2007
- Over 140 race wins on track, road, MTB and CX
- Racing for 25 years
- Raced on 5 continents
- Attended University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
- 2013-2011: Horizon Organic / Panache Cyclewear team (director and rider, with Nick Traggis)
- 2010-2009: Big Shark cycling team
- 2008: Slipstream Chipotle
- 2007-2005: employed by USA Cycling (track endurance coach)
- 2004: TIAA-CREF development team
- 2003: 5280 Magazine development team
- 2002: Ofoto professional cycling team
- 2001: Prime Alliance professional cycling team
- 2000-1999: Shaklee professional cycling team
- 1998: Colorado Cyclist professional cycling team
- 1997-1996: Shaklee professional cycling team
- 1995: Team Taya Chain
- 1994: Louisville Cyclery
- 1993: JRA
- 1992-1991: Cody Design
- 1990: LeMond
Thank you for your interest in a bike fitting with Colby Pearce. Below are some things you should know if you are considering a fitting, or if you have already made an appointment.
Fitting Options:
Complete Fitting is designed for anyone who has issues of injury, discomfort or lack of performance on their existing bike. The session will typically last 3.5 to 5 hours, including rider interview, off bike assessment, on bike assessment, changes to position, measurements of pre and post bike fitting positional parameters, cleat and shoe positioning, foot correction, and post fitting discussion.
Ideally I want to see you again within eight to 12 weeks of the original session to check how you are adapting. There is no charge for this second appointment.
There is also no charge for any post fit tweaking that may be necessary within 90 days of a fitting session, assuming it is a refinement of the work done in the initial fit.
Cost of a Complete Fitting is $450.00 plus any parts required.
Duplicating cleat position and foot correction on a 2nd or additional pairs is charged at $75 per additional pair.
Additional bikes will incur a charge of $100.00 up to 1.5 hours. If we run longer, then the additional bike will be billed at $90.00 an hour.
Additional Fitting Work is conducted at $90 an hour. Examples can be a past fit client (less than five years prior) who has a new bike, new shoes that they want dialed in OR a new client who only wants their shoes and cleat position sorted out. If you have an unusual request of this type, contact us and start a dialogue.
For clients who have more than one bike they wish to be fit on, its not necessary to have a complete fitting for each bike; the client assessments are recorded and can be applied to additional bicycles at future fittings. If a client has significant functional changes, some reassessments may be necessary.
Payment will be due at the time the fit is completed. Personal checks, cash, PayPal, or credit cards are accepted. Cash or check are preferred methods as to avoid any surcharges.
If you are unsatisfied with your fit, and we are unable to resolve your issues on the bike with subsequent follow up appointments, I will refund your money. You are paying me for a result, not an attempt. Bike fits are expensive and I have heard many stories of riders who get fit and then change everything back to the way it was two weeks later because it “did not work out”. This is an unacceptably low standard in the bike fit industry in my opinion and I work to achieve a higher level.
Mechanical Services:
The Service Course is on site to provide mechanical services as required, but fees may apply (cutting steerer tubes, seat masts, etc). For rate information, see their website at www.thebouldersc.com. They are the best shop in town to get your sled dialed so if you need work, come see them. Please have your bike in good working order for the fit so we can focus on the task at hand, rather than repairs. This means if your seatpost is frozen in the frame or bolts are stripped, deal with these issues before you come in for a fitting.
Off The Bike vs On The Bike:
Keep in mind that there is a difference between “issues on the bike” and physical or structural issues which prevent an athlete from achieving optimal position, or riding pain or discomfort free on a bicycle. Some of what an athlete brings to a fit may be out of the domain of my area of expertise, and therefore may require additional modalities in order to improve function. I have a network of health care professionals in Boulder including a physical therapist, acupuncturist and massage therapists, and I may provide referrals. Have confidence that my methodology is not to dodge a bullet by sending you somewhere else, my intent is to work with integrity and help you get comfortable and fast on a bicycle. This requires a holistic approach to the athlete.
Post Fit Adaptation:
You should expect an adjustment period of up to three weeks after your position changes are made. The adjustment time will vary depending on how much change is made, how heavy your training and racing load were before the fitting, how adaptable to change you are as an athlete and as a person, and how much intensity and volume you do following the fit. This may mean reduced training load, volume, or changing competition schedules. If you are concerned about the timing of your fit and how it may impact your training or competitive calendar, email me and we can talk specifics.
Three steps forward, one step back: understand that even if your new cycling position is superior to your previous one, you may go slower and experience soreness initially as part of your adaptation. If you are a high volume rider or have been cycling for many years, thousands of pedal strokes have contributed to neural programming and patterning which have been ingrained in your movement, and it may take time to find fluidity and efficiency in your new position as those pathways are reprogrammed. Your short term performance may be compromised as a result of changes made to your position.
Please bring with you:
- Cycling shoes with orthotics or insoles if you have them
- A cycling kit
- Helmet
- The sunglasses and/ or Rx eyewear you wear on the bike
- New cleats if your current cleats need replacement or are significantly worn
- Any wallet or credit cards you carry with you on the bike
- Any phone you carry with you on the bike
- Ladies please bring a crop top or athletic bra. Riders will be asked to remove their tops for part of the pre – fit assessment
- Any saddles you have tried and you feel may be an option for the fit
- Extra stems or bars you have, if you feel they may be useful for the fit
Footbeds: If you don’t have any footbeds or orthotics in your cycling shoes and are planning a fit, please contact me in advance. The basic foam liner which comes with most shoes is not a footbed. Some shoes now come with a moldable liner which may include interchangeable, modular arch supports. If you have these, bring all the arches which were included. Proper arch support is essential to a complete bike fit. I may recommend that you purchase some footbeds prior to the fit and can provide suggestions. I have a limited selection of footbeds for sale in my shop but I can’t guarantee I will have all sizes in at the time of your fitting.
If you are a runner, bring your running shoes and any footbeds that go with them.
I may send you a client questionnaire in advance of your appointment in order to get background information and a bit of physical history.
Food and Drink:
Because of the length of the fit process, it may be a good idea to have some snacks on hand so you don’t get hungry. We have water and tea at the shop for customers at any time but if you prefer another source of liquid, feel free to bring it. Sometimes we have some calories around the office but there are hungry mechanics here also!
Notes on Equipment:
- Ensure that your bike is reasonably clean. A dirty bike is not pleasant to work on and in some cases takes extra time to work on.
- If your cleats or shoes are worn beyond the point where it impacts on performance, I will insist on replacing them.
- If repositioning of brake levers or adjustment of handlebar angle is necessary and your bar tape takes a beating in the process, you may need new bar tape.
- I will make every effort to ensure your bike is ready to ride when you leave, however if we make changes to stems, bars, saddles and posts, it is possible some parts may require additional tightening after the fit. Please know it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure your bike is safe to ride before you ride it.
Panache Cyclewear Discount: Any fitting client is welcome to take advantage of a one time, 20 percent on site discount on any Panache Cyclewear they wish to purchase at the time of their fit. To check out the super cool clothing they make, visit www.panachecyclewear.com.
Thank you for your interest. I look forward to working with you soon.
Pearce Coaching and Fitting
3980 Broadway St Suite 202
Boulder, CO 80304-1161
Phone: 303.884.8088
Email: colbypearce@mac.com
In February 2012, I flew to Sydney Australia to be mentored by Steve Hogg as a bike fitter. For three and a half weeks, my exclusive purpose was to live and breathe bike fitting. I absorbed as much information and experience as possible from Steve during this time. The apprenticeship was invaluable and now I am fitting riders using Steve’s philosophies as a basis for my methods.
Steve is without a doubt one of the best bike fitters in the world. His methods are unconventional by some standards, but they have been refined over years of trial and error with thousands (yes, thousands) of clients. Steve has taken the time to research alternative methods to bike fitting and connect the dots in many methods which most fitters have not explored. His fitting methods do not use a “fit system” or pre-generated formulas, but instead rely on precise cues from the structure of the rider, in combination with a detailed physical assesment. His basis for fitting is founded on establishing clear proprioceptive communication throughout the body, especially between the feet and the cerebellum. The end result is optimal position for the athlete based on their individual needs, cycling goals, and abilities.
The best bike fitters use a blend of old school observation and new school science where it is appropriate.
Steve fits his clients on a Money Back if not Satisfied basis. If the client is not happy with the services performed, and a satisfactory solution to any ongoing problems is not found, a complete refund is issued. In my experience, very few bike fitters offer this guarantee and I have elected to embrace this feature in my own fitting business. I think it is a means of doing business with integrity and genuine intent to help others.
Of course, some clients may have on the bike issues which can only be improved or solved off the bike via body work, yoga, stretching, physical therapy, massage, or other means. I am not suggesting that a bike fit will solve all of your problems, or that 100 percent of your problems on a bike can be solved through a fit. To this end, Steve has assembled an extensive network of trusted practitioners to whom he refers clients when they need additional services. I am in the process of acquiring a similar network here in Colorado.
Many times I have heard stories of riders who have had fits, ridden in the new position for a week or two, and then reversed all the changes to where they were. I don’t expect to do everything perfectly (although that is my aim) but what I find unacceptable is both the fitter and clients’ acceptance of this wasted exercise. If hundreds of dollars are paid for a professional service, in any other field if it was less than perfect, the consumer would throw a fit. Cycle fits should be held to no lesser of a standard.