I began fitting bicycles in 1990 and have always applied meticulous attention to position details. Local, national and international clients have visited Castle Hill Cycles to have their bicycle and shoes fitted and adjusted by me. I am a “Steve Hogg Approved” bike fitter.
Steve Hogg is an international heavyweight in bike fitting circles. Because of his stringent acceptance requirements, less than 10 percent of applicants actually get in the door to train with Steve. Steve’s patented fitting techniques are extremely challenging to learn and more challenging to execute. Less than 30 percent off those allowed in for training make it successfully through the process.
Steve was so confident in my fitting skills that he was referring U.S.A. clients to me three years prior to training with him. My unique approach combines experience, education, and a passionate curiosity for how we function both on and off our bicycles. Application of assisted functional and range of motion modalities is made easier with a wide range of Castle Hill Fitness equipment ranging from inversion tables, assisted Yoga props, a Power Plate vibration trainer and top of the line Stott Pilates Equipment.
Add to that, the Castle Hill Cycles unique tooling combination of our Mikkelsen sizing frame, cameras and all of the saddles, bars, cleats, wedges, shims, footbeds, screws, spacers and pedal options and I offer a fitting experience like no other in the United States.
- B.S. in Kinesiology University of Texas at Austin
- American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer Certification Since 2001
- Whole Body Vibration certification through Power Plate U.S.A.
- Myofascial Compression Techniques through Trigger Point Performance Therapy
- Sally Edwards “Heart Zones” heart rate training seminars
- One of a handful of “Steve Hogg Approved” bike fitters worldwide
Specialties / Focus in Training:
- Cyclists / triathletes seeking positional and functional assistance to ride longer, stronger and safer throughout life
- Baby Boomers looking to stay active
- Clients ready seeking help with strength, stability, posture, breathing, coordination and functional ranges of motion
- Cycling since 1985 and working at bike shops since 1988.
- Enjoyed 12-year attempt at the music business on the U.S.A. West Coast
- Fitting bicycles since 1990
- Raced mountain bikes for six years on the West Coast.
- 1999 marriage to Kelly Segar which led to our sons Charles and Jackson
- Thrived at University of Texas as a 30 something
- Completing the 2009 invitation-only 236 mile “Longer than Hell” monstrosity ride through the motivation of Paolo Minissi
- Completing Steve Hogg’s advanced bike fitting training in 2012
- Color: Green
- Sport: Cycling (Road and MTB)
- Movie: Napoleon Dynamite
- Beverages: Hot Coffee/Cold Beer
- Game: Anything I can play with my sons, Charles and Jackson
- Best friend: My wife, Kelly
- Favorite continuing education: Our dog Cinnamon and cats Milo and Puzzle
Thank you for your interest in a fitting with me. Below are some things you should know if you are considering a fitting, or if you have already made an appointment. For the most up to date pricing and options, please visit Jerry’s site.
Fit Options:
Comprehensive Bike Fit
Since we all cycle, walk, push, pull, twist, balance, breathe and stabilize differently, each fitting is a new adventure. Comfortable and efficient cycling requires more than just sitting on a seat, grabbing a bar and turning over the cranks. An optimal cycling position requires us to have well-supported feet with the appropriate seat and bar positions for comfort, leverage and stability. By having stable, flexible and strong bodies, we can push our physical boundaries with limited detrimental impact. A truly optimized position allows us to look ahead comfortably and breathe deeply while enjoying the ride.
- 3 hours for $600 and $200 per hour thereafter. (average sessions run 4-6 hours) (billed in half hour increments, as are the services below)
- Setting up a second bike based on the first bike is $200/hour
- Setting up an extra pair of shoes is $200/hour
- Cutting seat masts, ATB handlebars and other necessary “surgeries” is $200 per hour (may require pickup at a later date depending on parts/services needed)
- Replacing parts such as tires, chain, cassette or other components necessary to conduct the session safely is $200 per hour
One-Hour Position Consultation
Jerry prefers that all clients begin with a comprehensive fitting/assessment for optimal results. We understand that not all riders want or need the 3-hour Comprehensive Fit, and some would just like to make small adjustments quickly. Our one-hour position consultation provides adjustment of the critical contact points on a bicycle as decided by your fitter. The service has been developed by Jerry Gerlich through 25 years of positioning experience.
The One-Hour Session addresses:
- Cleat adjustment for providing a stable and neutral foot position.
- Seat height adjustment for appropriate leg extension with smooth, stable form.
- Seat setback adjustment for placing the pelvis in a balanced fore/aft position.
- Seat angle adjustment for soft tissue comfort and stabilization at the pelvis.
- Handlebar rotation adjustment for ergonomics at the wrists and arms.
- Handlebar height adjustment via the stem and spacers for torso/shoulder reach.
After your fit you will receive:
- Your fitting results listing all the measurements on an easy-to-read chart.
- Recommendation on needed upgrades resulting from your fit.
Pricing: $200
Shoe Cleat Position Analysis
Installation/adjustments of cycling cleats for the optimization of comfort, leverage and performance
This patented approach provides certainty in crucial areas of bike fitting instead of relying on the educated guesswork that has been traditionally applied. The nature of these fitting principles means that the detail of their application varies as much as people do.
- Detailed measurement of the cleats both pre and post fitting
- Measurement of the 1st and 5th toe joints for reference
- Installation and adjustment of modular insoles if needed
- Application of the Steve Hogg neurological testing methods to determine amount and placement of wedging if needed at the forefoot, cleat, heel or a combination of the three
- Installation of any shimming under the appropriate shoe if needed
- Marking the soles of the shoes for future replacement of the cleats
- Minor readjustment of the seat to reflect cleat changes
- Detailed spreadsheet with cleat position information, leg length, overall foot length and differential measurements between the first and fifth Metatarsal/Phalange joints, and other specifics relating to insoles, shimming and wedging
Pricing: $200/hour
Triathlon / TT Positioning
Supple, effective swimming technique and smooth-running form are split by the most time-consuming portion of a triathlon, the bike leg. A comfortable bike position that allows for powerful leverage, optimal breathing and stable handling can have a huge impact on how fresh an athlete feels when it’s time to run. Adjusting these bicycles should reflect the functional and positional needs of the specific client. Average sessions run 4-6 hours, possibly longer depending on equipment variables.
Pricing: $200/hour
Due at the time the fitting session is completed. Cash, PayPal, direct debit or credit cards are acceptable forms of payment. We prefer cash or direct debit because we take a hit on other payment methods.
If you are not satisfied with the results of your fitting and I am unable to resolve your on bike issues with a subsequent follow up, I will refund your money. You are paying for a result, not an attempt. Bike fitting is expensive and I hear many stories of riders who have a ‘professional’ fitting and then change their position back to the way it was within a couple of weeks without complaint. The general standard of the bike fitting industry is low and I find this unacceptable. I work to achieve a much higher level of customer satisfaction than that.
Mechanical Services:
We have a comprehensively equipped work shop so any cutting of fork steerer tubes, seat masts, modifications to shoes etc is no problem.
Off The Bike vs On The Bike:
Even with the best bike position in the world it takes a certain minimum level of physical functionality to ride a bike effectively. I do not expect to see ‘perfect’ clients; they don’t exist. If I think that your issues are too severe to be dealt with by changing your position on the bike alone, I will tell you at the earliest possible moment and refer you to others with the expertise to allow you to achieve the necessary degree of functionality to ride effectively.
Many of you will find that I can work around pre-existing functional issues. Even so, you may still need further help elsewhere. I have developed a network of quality health care professionals in every mainland capital that can help you if necessary. Have confidence that I’m not trying to dodge a bullet here; my intent is work with integrity to aid in you becoming faster and more comfortable on your bike. This requires a holistic approach.
Post Fit Adaptation:
No matter how good or bad your current position you are used to it. Constantly repeating an action like cycling embeds a Motor Pattern (muscle firing sequence appropriate to the task) in your Central Nervous System (brain and spine). This is not going to change just because I optimise your position. It takes time for your nervous system to learn a new way of doing things, typically three weeks of regular (four or more times weekly) riding. The quickest way to adapt is to ride at low to low moderate intensity. At heart rates above 70 to 75 percent of maximum, we unconsciously attempt to fall back into Motor Patterns that we are used to… Which won’t work very well because your physical relationship to the bike has changed. Be sensible, avoid steep hills, avoid fast bunches and smell the roses for three weeks post fitting. After that, resume normal activity.
If your competitive season will be impacted on by following the three week easy period post fitting, please talk to me about this before confirming your booking.
Please bring with you:
- Cycling bib shorts and top
- Cycling shoes with any footbeds or orthotics if you have them
- Sunglasses or prescription glasses that you ride with
- The tool kit that you ride with
- Any bike lights that you ride with
- Cycling helmet
- Any wallet you carry in your jersey while riding
- The phone that you carry while riding.
- Ladies need to wear a crop top or athletic bra because I need to be able to see as much of your spine as possible.
- Runners and triathletes need to bring their running shoes and any orthotics or footbeds that they use while running.
- Triathletes need to bring their swimming goggles
Food and Drink:
The length of a fitting session means that it is a good idea to bring a healthy snack with you. There is a decent café in our building if more than a snack is required. The café is open between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Wear and Tear:
- Ensure that your bike is reasonably clean. A dirty bike is not pleasant to work on.
- If your cleats or shoes are worn beyond the point where it impacts on performance, I will insist on replacing them.
- If repositioning of brake levers or adjustment of handlebar angle is necessary and your bar tape takes a beating in the process, you may need new bar tape.
- I will make every effort to ensure your bike is ready to ride when you leave, however if we make changes to stems, bars, saddles and posts, it is possible some parts may require additional tightening after the fit. Please know it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure your bike is safe to ride before you ride it.
Thank you for your interest. I look forward to working with you soon.
Castle Hill Fitness
1112 North Lamar Boulevard
Austin, Texas 78703
Phone: 512-478-4567
Email: jerrybikefit@gmail.com
Directions: Click here
I found Steve in early 2008 through the Cycling News website. His responses to reader’s questions about position efficiency and discomfort issues resonated with me, both as a bike fitter and personal trainer. His thoroughly presented answers were unique and appropriate. Time after time, when I applied his suggestions to some of the issues I saw as a fitter, my clients reaped the rewards and thought I was some type of genius. Even after telling the clients I had learned the techniques and suggestions through Steve, they still thought I had something unique and of quality to offer.
After several months of reading, I took the plunge into the adventure of mid-foot cleat positioning for myself. After several attempts, I finally found a position that made sense and it felt great. Shortly thereafter, I emailed Steve about my new cleat position and was surprised at how quickly and thoroughly he responded through the Cycling News website. After many months of enjoying the new cleat position and gushing about Steve, Paolo Minissi, the owner of the Castle Hill facility offered to fly us down to Sydney to meet Steve in the flesh. That was the summer of 2009. I was ecstatic!
Those 10 days in Sydney was a huge eye opener. I watched Steve work with several clients, all with different ergonomic and functional issues. He impressed me with his ability to quickly sort out functional and positional variables. Although not initially impressed with the changes he made to my position, I actually enjoyed a 385 km ride over bad roads in the roasting Texas heat just a month after Steve reset my position without the usual knee and shoulder discomforts that I’d previously had. That was when I realized Steve’s ability to truly optimize a position.
My dear friend/riding partner Paolo Minissi passed away in November of 2011. I was like a rudderless boat for three months. Low motivation and sadness kept me off the bicycle. Paolo’s daughter, Rita, presented me with Paolo’s beautiful Pinarello Dogma as he had wanted me to ride the bike in case something happened to him. That was in February of 2012. Within just a few days of riding that spectacular bicycle, I made the decision to visit Steve for his 3-week gauntlet of training. I wanted more than anything to do something huge…become a world-class fitter. Having read through vast amounts of material over the web and visiting Steve in 2009, I knew there was only one route to polishing my bike fitting skills.
The trip to Sydney in 2012 was a huge challenge. Several times, riding back to the hotel in dark rainy conditions, I pondered my decision and whether or not I could learn Steve’s unique and effective techniques. Toward the end of the second week things started to click. The third week was a joy as I was able to relax and focus on the moment. Two and a half years on, I can honestly say that training with Steve Hogg was one of the best decisions I ever made. The training made be not only a better fitter, but a better person as it shocked me out of a dark situation into an enlightened one.