I started my sporting life as a competitive swimmer before becoming a cyclist, then finally a triathlete. I’ve raced on the road, mtb and triathlon. Even though I was competitive back in the day, I was always having problems with discomfort and pain on the bike. I sought help from well-known bike fitters, but no one was able to solve my problems. It was these experiences that made me curious about bike fitting.
I have a degree in economics and had spent 10 years working in local government, but my ambition to learn more about bike fitting led me to change careers. I enrolled in several well known schools of bike fitting. At first I thought that what I learned in those schools would be enough for me to solve my own fit related issues and also enable me to help solve other people’s problems on their bicycles.
So I started my new career as a professional bike fitter. Working as a bike fitter I was seeing a constant stream of riders with functional issues with their bodies. I found out the hard way that what I had been taught, that bike fitting is a matter of limb segment angles and numbers, is not correct and just doesn’t work for the majority of cyclists and triathletes.
It was this key realisation that I needed to learn much more about my chosen profession and the human body that led me down a different path. Instead of acquiring and following the dictates of high-tech equipment, I realised that I needed to focus on the human body and how it can be fixed to work at its best on the bicycle. Now that I am a fully-fledged professional bike fitter, I have found greater happiness in helping clients comfortable and faster on their bikes than I have in racing on my own bike.
I discovered that my passion is bike fitting.
I offer a Full Comprehensive Bike Fitting on existing bikes and Bike Sizing before the purchasing of new bikes and for custom geometry bikes.
The Full Comprehensive Bike Fitting is offered to all cyclists from beginners to pros. I work with triathletes, cyclists, mountain bikers, endurance riders, track and time-trial athletes. Prices vary depending on studio location and range from 8,000 pesos up to 12,000 pesos.
For Pre-Purchase Bike Fit it includes sizing for which size, brand, and model of bike will fit the client’s body and riding style, it also includes the fitting of the new bike once purchased.
We also offer fittings for custom frame geometry for clients ordering custom frames from their chosen manufacturers.
Rates for these services are 15,000 pesos
I would like to inform anyone booking an appointment that you need to bring the following items with you for either Comprehensive Bike Fitting or Bike Sizing:
- Cycling Kit (jersey/ bib shorts / triathlon suit)
- Cycling shoes
- Sunnies (cycling shades)
- Tool bag
- Helmet
- And, other accessories of your bicycle and items you take with you when riding your bicycle
All my fits comes with lifetime free fit tune-up and readjustments on the fitted bikes and a 90-days money back guarantee if a client is unhappy with our services.
I have studios in:
- Forward Motion Performance main studio in San Pablo City, Laguna
- Multisportshub Solenad, 3 Nuvali Santa Rosa, Laguna
- La Course Velo ( 8862 Sampaloc Street, San Antonio Villa, Makati
- Specialized Store, Mall of Asia, Pasay, Metro Manila
- Colnago Manila, Citic Tower, Banawe, Quezon City
- Unison Bike Shop D, Tuazon, Quezon City
- Corsa Cycles, corner P Guevara and Montessori Sts, San Juan, Metro Manila
- IPI Compound, Mandaue City, Cebu
- Triactive Multisportshub Tagum City, Davao. Mindanao
Mobile: +63 927 571 0802
Email: vicemilagan@yahoo.com.ph
Web: https://www.facebook.com/forwardmotionperformance/
I have studios in:
- Forward Motion Performance main studio in San Pablo City, Laguna
- Multisportshub Solenad, 3 Nuvali Santa Rosa, Laguna
- La Course Velo ( 8862 Sampaloc Street, San Antonio Villa, Makati
- Specialized Store, Mall of Asia, Pasay, Metro Manila
- Colnago Manila, Citic Tower, Banawe, Quezon City
- Unison Bike Shop D, Tuazon, Quezon City
- Corsa Cycles, corner P Guevara and Montessori Sts, San Juan, Metro Manila
- IPI Compound, Mandaue City, Cebu
- Triactive Multisportshub Tagum City, Davao. Mindanao
When I was just starting my career as a bike fitter, I attended a Retul course in Asia. During the course I overheard the two Retul professors talking about Steve Hogg and how good a bike fitter he is. I approached them and asked who Steve is and remember them answering that he is The Heretic: The Godfather of Bike Fitting.
So I then asked if Steve teaches and how do I apply as a student. They told me that Steve’s approach is far above what I would be able to understand. From there on I promised myself that one day I will be able to study with Steve.
I worked hard and took bike fitting course after bike fitting course with only one thing in mind; to gain the knowledge that I needed to prepare me for training with Steve… If ever I was accepted. So, fast forward six years; I decided to send Steve an email. To my surprise Steve replied to my email, and I felt honoured to be able to exchange emails with the Godfather of Bike Fitting!
So that’s how everything started. Months before going to Australia for training, I was still taking several courses in Europe just to make sure I was as prepared as possible for the training period. I sent emails to some of the people that had already completed training with Steve asking for tips on how to prepare myself. Each reply told me to “forget everything that you think you know and be ready to open your mind.” Jerry Gerlich even told me to learn to tune a guitar without using a tuning tool. I was like, “Oh my! How am I gonna do it? I don’t even know how to play a guitar.”
I arrived in Australia feeling excited but super nervous about putting myself through the hardest training that there is in bike fitting. I was afraid because I know that Steve has already sent home several other fitters who didn’t have the aptitude to take on what he is teaching. Also, I had been preparing myself for this opportunity for six-plus years and didn’t want to mess up a once in a lifetime chance that had been given to me.
I knew a lot have applied, very few have been accepted, and fewer still were able to pass Steve’s scrutiny.
Day 1 started; I met Steve and “Oh my! He looks so strict.” He’s a cool guy outside of work but very professional during training which is like taking a finals examination in college every day. I found it nerve wracking. I made sure I took notes of everything he said and did which I reviewed each evening to ensure I was prepared for the next day of training.
The things that I learned from Steve are matters I never expected to have a connection with bike fitting and which are not taught anywhere else.
Yes, it is true that I needed to forget everything that I thought I knew because the way Steve does his fitting is like no one else in the world. The things I learned in a month of living and training with him are the greatest awakenings and realisations I’ve had in my years of being a professional bike fitter. He really is a heretic but in a very good way.
He doesn’t use methods that the majority of fitters are using as his own are far superior. I never expected that the human body could be improved in just minutes of working with it and issues I thought impossible to fix, he was able to do so quickly. He truly is the Godfather of Bike Fitting and a LEGEND.
And now after passing his training and becoming part of the best bike fitting team in the world. I am honoured to be able to follow in his foot steps. All the hard work and the sacrifices that I made were worth it. Steve changed me not only as a bike fitter but made me a better person in so many ways.