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Steve Hogg Bike Fitting Team

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So much more than a Fit

  • Submitted by Pistawork
  • 1 Comment

I am an old war horse of a rider. Plenty of injuries from my 4 decades of riding, training and racing bicycles. I applied as much of the information found on Steve’s site as I could and felt down right comfortable and more powerful. Cool. Still, I wondered what a Hogg Approved Fitter would see? As luck would have it Jerry Gerlich was just a few hours away. Curiosity was more than I could resist.

First things first, Jerry Gerlich is a complete Professional in every sense of the word. This guy really knows his stuff and you can tell how much he digs doing it. Sure, he offers the standard Hogg “if you are not satisfied you get your money back” guarantee but I can’t imagine anyone being dissatisfied. Even if you don’t like the way you feel later what you learn is mind boggling. Just sayin.

Second, the sheer volume of knowledge and execution of each element to maximize how a body fits onto a bike; taking into consideration one’s aches and pains, will leave you speechless. No kidding. From the soles of you feet to the top of your knoggin, all is considered.

Third, the functional muscular testing, magnet work borders on magic. You have to experience it to appreciate what is happening. Suffice to say it is very cool.

As I mentioned above the entire body is considered in this process. As an aside I have to mention my feet. I have always worn small shoes. I thought a tight shoe was a right shoe. Jerry enlightened me on what a proper fitting shoe can do for the foundation of a fit. Who knew? He did and suggested I consider a pair of Lake shoes.

After consulting with the Lake Rep we decided on a pair of the CX 237’s (Two Three Seven’s). On my follow up visit with Jerry, the 237’s were fit with insoles, cleats and tested for strength… is park of the magic piece.

My feet have never been so happy. The CX 237’s are about mid range of the Lake line but I can’t imagine what else you would want. BOA closures, leather uppers, carbon soles, light and attractive. My 39 wides provided room for my toes to do their jobs and accommodate my high arch . Finally my feet are getting the attention they deserve and I never would have thought I needed to make the change.

All in all while I was able to make big positive changes to my position by studying the information provided by Steve on this site there is room for improvement. No question, if you can see your way to having a Hogg Approved fitter work his magic on you….you should. You won’t regret it.

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Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for your patience with the process and patience with the adaptation Ann Marie. Looking forward to feedback on your cycling adventures and future sessions to keep you happily on the bike.

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