I got fitted by Colby on July 1, full fit and worth every penny! We replaced the Arione with SMP Composite. I already sit far back but with SMP could go further and therefore tilt pelvis more forward and neutralize my spine more. My saddle height didn’t change but big improvements on bar setup and break lever placement. I don’t need a new stem (for now, unless these changes allow me to stretch further over time-right at the edge).
Shoe cleats were right at low limit for my size 10-12mm setback, so they stayed. Heal wedges added both sides, 1.5 degrees added to G8’s inside Bont Vapors. Wow, what a difference in sensation in just putting the shoes on, felt better even before the shoes hit the pedals!
Colby shot a ton of video which shows my “Achilles heel,” a tight, dodgy left hip. Which I knew causes my right shoulder to counteract. So, many homework assignments given and gladly accepted! Big changes in just a matter of days could be felt. I’ve had a tight hip for many years due to playing drums and having a left foot that was weak, causing my hip to make up for it before it gave out, cramped and locked up. Now my foot is getting better and balance is getting restored.
He was impressed with my good flexibility and pretty good stability testing.
I had to travel 3000 miles round-trip in an RV (driver) with family and fit this in. Knowing the results, I would have driven twice as far with my in-laws and paid more on top of that!
Splendid boredom… Now I’m not thinking about riding issues and having to wonder how to fix this or that…
To see where fit meets function I did some 1’on / 1′ off intervals at 325-400w. Never have I felt my glutes contribute to pedaling as much as they did. What a sensation. My bike felt like a statue riding on a rail. My upper body weightless, and I could tug on the bars and the bike would remain riding straight like it had no choice in the matter. Totally connected to the bike and my body wasn’t second guessing anything – it was just going at it. Direct opposite to before fit. Under this power my body was a mess, scrambling to meet the demands. It didn’t know what the hell was going on.
Achieving pedaling fluidity for sure, very strong through the bottom of the stroke and it’s natural, not contrived. The only issue now is to get my glutes in shape which shouldn’t take long.
Colby did great work on me! Thanks!
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