Welcome to the Successful Outcomes page. Please browse the list of bike fit success stories below. If you have your own story to share, please click on the link below. The outcome doesn’t have to be related to Steve or SHBF team members; we want to hear about other bike fitters or how you solved your own problem. Your story may help others escape Bike Fit Hell!
Scherrit Knoesen from The Bike Whisperer UK
About 3 years ago i was entering the Bike Hell 🙂 : i had many complaints on my bikes (both racing and MTB) and thought it was time to visit a bike fitter. I went…
California Dream’n in Austin
Hi Jerry, After following Steve Hogg's website for years and dreaming of a fit in Australia I of course chose you for two reasons; one, you're on North America and easier to reach for me,…
The Bike Whisperer
I'd finally like to take the time and post a quick response to a fitting I had with Scherrit Knoesen, aka 'The Bike Whisperer' in July earlier this year. I have a habit of rambling…
Night and Day
Before reaching out to Jerry, I've had two previous bike fits, including a pretty insensitive "Serotta Bike Fit." I was getting close to entering my first season as a Cat 1 on the NCC circuit…
midfoot cleat position
more comfortable position. G'day Sebastian, I'm happy that you are more comfortable with the cleat position you've shown in the photo. My concern is that with the cleat mounted on part of the Speedplay extender…
Cleat position
As a new rider at 55 years old, I assumed that having sore knees at the end of a long, hard ride was a result of the effort I had put in. I tend to…
Bike fit with Jerry Gerlich
I'll start by saying this was much more than a bike fit. It was an experience, a great bike fitting experience. Jerry is an extremely nice guy and really knows what he's doing. I've been…
Good experience with Jerry Gerlich
I'll cut to the chase and make a LONG story short. I have had MANY bike fits in my life. Typically what happens is that within a week or 2 I'm making changes. Raising the…
Seat Height
I am relatively new to cycling, and little did I know that I rode several months with a seat A FULL 45MM TOO HIGH. Thanks to your post on the matter, I am now much…
Saddle Fit, SMP’s, and Lower Back/Hamstring Flexibility
First off, just as a caveat, I've only been riding seriously for a year and and a half. So, my body is still adapting to a regular cycling schedule. (Also, I apologize in advance for…
Out of Bike Fit Hell thanks to Jerry Gerlich
I had entered Bike Fitting Hell. I decided to travel to Austin, Texas from Honduras and ask Jerry Gerlich for help. He quickly identified my problems and worked on solving each one over the course…
Mark Dwyre makes a difference
If you are in the market for a bike fit, I highly recommend you read the blog posts at www.stevehoggbikefitting.com, and then give Mark Dwyre at T.I. Cycle a call. Mark’s applied understanding of the domains…
Jerry Gerlich
I wasn't sure what to expect from a 3.5 to 4 hour bike fitting that cost 2 to 3 times what others are charge for "Fit" services. What I found out is the time and…
Jerry Gerlich and awesome bike guidance
First, my experience was absolutely phenomenal. I had pain, now no longer. Second, it didn't cost me five arms and six legs. Third, all I had to do was inquire about getting help. Fourth, I received…
Testimonial for Steve’s bike fit from a middle aged bloke
I've been hacking about on a mountain bike for 25 years. I started to get problems with my knees that impacted all forms of exercise including walking and going up and down stairs. After trying…
Recovering from CFS
If you want style you buy Italian, if you want quality you buy German and if you want advice on bike fitting you go to Steve Hogg. His name is synonymous with being comfortable and…