Over 1000 questions answered by Steve for Prime members. Learn more about Prime here or join now and get 60-days access for only $25 AUD!
new mountain bike
Hi Steve Spent a couple of week at Port Stevens holidaying and done some trails around Fingal bay with some mates, and for the first time i actually enjoyed mountain biking. So now I'm thinking…
New Pedal system
Hi Steve, Just came across this new (to me anyway) pedal system, its seems an interesting concept, just wondering what you thoughts are on it? http://www.bioconform.com/en/products/ cheers Dave G'day Dave, the concept has been around…
New postion / Rotor QXL at OCP 5
Steve, I changed my position last summer quite radically: significantly lower saddle, a lot forward, handle bars a bit down, cleats max backward. At had a record time during my ötztaler radmarathon (about an hour…
New Saddle Symmetry
Hi Steve, Thanks for the amazing site. Hope this question (2nd paragraph if you want to skip ahead) isn't a waste of your time but your site has started me thinking about bike fit in…
new shoes
`G`day mate I recently came to see you about a month ago and we tried the midfoot cleat position. at first I felt funny.and felt wrong .but after about a month I don't think I…
New shoes. Drill or ?
Hi Steve, It has been a year since my bike fit and I have had a really good year racing my bike with considerable improvement thanks to the position changes you made. The biggest difference…
New to clipless
Hi Steve, Joined up to prime after reading one of your blog articles off the back of a google search. The search came as the result of knee pain i have recently started to experience…
Nibali KOPS
Thought you all would get a kick out of this 🙂 http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/photos/gallery-nibali-and-fuglsang-time-trial-testing-with-specialized/248680 I hadn't seen this Jayme. It is sad to see that this is what the world thinks of as high quality fitting…
No Question, just a picture
One of our three cats, this one is called Rowdy, also likes a good beer. This one is a good bread and butter beer from a big bavarian brewery. It is an unfiltered beer called…
Nocturnal Lower Leg Cramps
Hello, Steve, I'm an ardent cyclist and am frequently beset with excruciating nocturnal lower leg cramps, painful enough to cause me to bolt from the bed in agony. Most often they run down the outer…
Non-symmetrical bicycle
Hello Steve, I wanted to ask your advice on your preferred methodology for starting a self conducted bike fitting process. The reason for my question is that I am currently using a Shimano Ultegra triple…
Northwave vs. other Speedplay-approved 4-hole shoes
Dear Steve, Do you have any opinion on the Northwave proprietary-shim system for attaching Speedplay cleats, compared to the other brands of shoes (Sidi, Lake, DMT and Gaerne--AFAIK). It appears that the non-Northwave shoes have…
Noseless saddles
Hi Steve, I am wondering if you have any experience with noseless saddles such as the Spiderflex or Spongy Wonder saddles? I am dealing with a bout of cyclists syndrome. I am exploring different saddles…
numb and cold toes
Hi Steve, I have a problem with my right foot/toes. Mostly 2nd-4th. It starts gradually but for 2-3 hours I can tolerate the discomfort. On longer rides I would get hot spots and have to…
Numb Big Toes (both feet)
G’day Steve, First off, thank you for sharing all the information you have on your website and in the Q&As. It really helps me understand and appreciate the body and how it interacts with the…
Numb feet
Hi Steve, I have a rider who is experiencing numbness on the outer sides of their forefoot on both feet early on into their ride. Both feet experience this numbness equally. Arch support is level…
Numb Glutes after bike fit.
Hi Steve, I recently fitted one of the riders that I look after. This guy had previously been to one of the prominent physios in town, who among other things, had fixed Shimano red cleats,…
Numb Hands
Hi Steve I live in WA and i spoke to you last week re the E soles and have just made the jump into being a member of the Prime blog, lots of great information…
Numb toes when riding hard, both road & MTB
Good day Steve, I’ve always had trouble with my toes getting numb when riding hard, and I’ve tried MANY different footbeds over the past 20 years. A few custom made one’s as well. Nothing has…
Numbness problem and neck pain
Hello Steve, My name is Marco and I am writing from Italy. Despite some biomechanics visit I never found a definitive solution for the numbness and/or burning on the genital parts and neck pain. I…
Nutrition – Low carb / use of carbs
Hi Steve & all Since February I've been improving my diet to cut out a lot of processed foods and sugar. Since about 2 months ago I've gone further and cut out a lot of…
O Symetric chain rings
Steve, was wondering if you had any opinion or experience with O Symetric chainrings. Thanks! G'day Doug, Yes, a bit. They are a bit hit or miss. By that I mean that of those who…
O’Symetric chain rings
Steve, recently I switched from Rotor Rings to O'symetric and like them even more, especially when climbing which says a lot since I went from running a compact to being able to pull their 38t…
Oakley Sunglasses
Hi Steve, Have you found material issues with Oakley Sunglasses, specifically their models with transition lenses? Thanks, Max Yes Max, Almost always with Oakleys. It is easy fixed though.
odd question
Hi Steve this may be an odd question. I am wondering since you have been doing bike fitting for a considerable time have you had any concerns or thoughts in regards to legal liability and…