The majority of people display a lateral pelvic tilt. That is, in the absence of a leg length difference one side of their pelvis will sit higher than the other OR, if there is a leg length difference, the difference in iliac crest heights will often be double the difference in leg length or more. In occasional cases, the iliac crest of the shorter leg can even be higher than that of the longer leg.
Lateral pelvic tilts compromise global body function by increasing the functional differences between left and right feet, legs, torso, shoulders and more. They are notoriously hard to resolve and negatively impact on the symmetry of rider on bike.
The picture below is of a subject with a lateral pelvic tilt with right side of pelvis approximately 15mm higher than the left side:
This kit allows the user to quickly resolve a lateral pelvic tilt (in the absence of a difference in leg length) or moderate it down to the difference in leg length if there is one.
The procedure takes several minutes, is pain free and does not involve manipulation. It is permanent excepting when the individual contracts a bad virus or has a heavy fall or impact. If that does occur, the lateral pelvic tilt can be fixed as easily as the first time. The kit costs less than a single visit to a health professional.
More info here.
Feedback (first kit sold to S. J. Edwards):
Steve, I used your lateral pelvic tilt kit and I can only say the results are nothing short of outstanding. My shoulder has dropped back into the proper position I think my pelvis is in the right spot and for some reason I have gained 5 inches of hamstring stretch which is totally weird to me. Hope it sticks. Real test will be two big days this weekend.
(Then, after the two big days)
Hi Steve,
Felt great! Felt like I was sitting flat on the saddle, no pain. Only problem now is I probably need to re-evaluate the rest of my position as my body feels like it wants to get lower at the front, and my saddle now feels low. The muscles in my back are still getting used to not having to compensate on the right side, probably a shock to the system after a lifetime of being tight.
Very happy though. Happy to recommend the kit, and i’ll keep you posted of any changes.
(You can read more feedback here.)
The kit can also be used to remediate Material Challenges also talked about here. The kit is sold on a money back if not happy basis.
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