Most exercise scientists believe that training at altitude will benefit cycling performance. At higher altitudes there is less oxygen which in turn forces the body to become more efficient at using the oxygen that is available. We adapt. Once that adaptation phase is completed and the rider returns to sea level or to lower altitudes, they experience improved performance for a period because of their enhanced ability to use oxygen. Not everyone can train at altitude and not everyone finds altitude training a pleasant experience. For those that can’t train at altitude, there is NaSA developed by Gotz Heine.
It is a simple ball valve in a conical cylinder. You fit a NaSA into one nostril after wrapping it in the supplied sealing tape to ensure a snug fit. NaSA allows you to inhale through one nostril only, though you can exhale through both. Inhalation pulls the ball up against a stop and blocks most of the inhalation air flow from entering that nostril. It isn’t completely air tight but it is pretty close. Exhalation allows the ball valve to open again.
NaSA simulates the oxygen restrictions that occur when training at 3,000 metres. Once a period of training with NaSA is completed, the user can expect improved performance.

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