Shimming is an important part of increasing functional symmetry when cycling. The Extender Plate Plus 5 for Speedplaypictured below is a beautiful piece of work that solves many problems. Shim stacks larger than 10mm -12 mm can be problematic because a large shim stack requires long fixing bolts that only engage in to several mm of thread. The shim stack can come loose unless tightened hard and often. This is not as secure as we would like with large shim stacks. The solution is a fitting we manufacture named Extender Plate Plus 5 for Speedplay.
It is similar to the Speedplay part no. 13330 but instead of being the 3mm depth of a standard Speedplay baseplate, it is 8mm deep. So, it is a 5mm shim in itself and has 8mm of thread engagement potential. That solves the security problem. The other problem that it solves is that of Rocking Torque. With a large shim stack the foot is much further from the pedal and there is a greater effort required of the rider to stabilise the foot on the pedal. This is why all manufacturers have reduced the overall height of their pedal and cleat systems over the last 30 years. The solution to this problem is to move the shimmed cleat further rearward until if ‘feels’ the same as the non shimmed leg.
The Extender Plate Plus 5 for Speedplay is CNC machined from high quality aluminium alloy and allows for up to 16mm further rearward cleat adjustment than a standard Speedplay baseplate.It is 8mm thick. A standard Speedplay base plate is a fraction over 3mm thick. So it functions alone as a 5mm shim but it’s main purpose is to function as a secure base with up to 8mm of thread engagement for large shims stacks. We have used this fitting for shim stacks of up to 25mm to date. It is supplied with all fitting hardware including long fixing screws that will allow up to a 13mm total shim stack. If you need to use more than a 13mm shim stack, include the height you want to use on your purchase form and we will supply appropriate length cleat fixing screws.
For additional shims to add to the Extender Plate Plus 5 to allow you to gain your ideal amount of compensation go back to the Store and click on Custom Shims.
Made in Australia
If you need a single regular Speedplay Extender Plate for more fore or aft cleat placement on the other foot, please choose “Add Extender Plate” below for an additional $35.
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